
About this product

The Grommet (#90480-16003), a crucial Engine-Fuel part in the Ventilation Hose system, plays a significant role in maintaining the optimal performance of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary job is to segregate and provide a secure pathway for the fuel lines, reducing the risk of abrasion or damage. Over time, parts like the Grommet (#90480-16003) can get worn out or damaged, affecting the overall system efficiency. An old, broken, or non-functional Grommet (#90480-16003) may lead to leaking or spillage, causing potential harm to other components. Therefore, it's important to replace it periodically to maintain the system's integrity. Always opt for Toyota's genuine parts as they are designed to facilitate vehicle compatibility. Plus, they come with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Grommet (#90480-16003), working in harmony with other parts, contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's ventilation hose system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90480-16003